Monday, August 9, 2021

Paper Planes

Today the 30th of July groups of four in my class made paper planes with glue sticks and scissors. We made the Paper plane showing collabrative. At the end we all did a race with the paper planes down on the turf. 


  1. That sounds like such a cool aactivity to do. I wonder what the distance that the planes flew was. Did using a glue stick make them to heavy so they just crashed, or did it give them a weight to help them go further. It super cool that it was an activity that needed collaboration fo everyone. Nice work on sharing your learning. Mrs Tipelu

  2. Hi Nathen. Nice writing. Maybe you can write that our plane came 2nd! And add a bit more writing. You can add that Diana threw it for our group.

  3. Hi Nathan,the paper planes was fun like how we had to make the paper planes with glue sticks and scissors I enjoy your blog.Hope you make more blogs.
