Monday, August 9, 2021

Scratch project for cybersmart.

 Today we did a scratch project with Phil for Cybersmart.




  1. Hey Nathan, It's pretty good. But maybe you could make them move around and add some sound.
    Have fun with the rest.

  2. Hi Anna, thank you for the blog comment.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello Nathan I like your work because of how you made one person fly in the sky.This reminded me of how I made one of my people fly in the sky.Next time you should add some movement,sounds and more people in the background.How long did this take you to make?And did you think about adding more ideas on your project?

    1. Hi key-brieanna, it took me a minute to do. Thank you for the comment.

  5. Hello Nathan, I liked they way you made a character float and one stand You reminded me of Kay-brieanna’s road safety animation when she made her character fly. Why did you use two of the same characters? why did you choose to make a scratch project like this?

  6. Hi Siya, I choose two of the same characters because they looked cool. I chose too make this project because I never tried scratch before.
